Virtual healing sessions will allow you to release what no longer serves you and help to ground you into the present moment. We will journey through breathwork, meditation, and Visualization to help clear the mind and body of negative emotions and feelings and to help you get really clear on what you truly want in life.

We’ll move stuck energy + trauma out the body So you can begin healing as well as learn how to let go of old patterns and stories that no longer serve the version of yourself that you wish to become.

There will be journal prompts and deep discussion to figure out where you are blocking yourself. As I listen to the words you use, the stories that you tell yourself, and watch subtle cues within your body language I’ll be able to help you shift your mindset and begin creating new habits + stories that will help you in manifesting the life you truly desire.

As a certified Somatic breathwork facilitator and energy healer, I take you deep within your body so that you can begin to see what cycles, patterns, and stories lie beneath the surface.

These are the areas that keep us stuck in the same place even when we are desperately trying to change. as I guide you through Breathwork it allows you to really dive deep into the subconscious mind so that you can see where the trauma, stress, anxiety, and negative feelings really stem from.

This is an incredibly deep and intimate practice as it can take you into places you never expected. As I walk you through the breath, I sit with you and help to guide the energy of the body and anything that needs to be released. During this time, I hold space for you to be the most authentic version of yourself.

